Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Assignment Chapter 12

Lecturer : Mr. Tri Djoko Wahjono, Ir., M.Sc

Name : Agatha Virgitia Darmawan

Student ID : 1701338122

1.       What Is System Development, and What Are the  System Development Phases?

A system is a set of components that interact to achieve a common goal. You use, observe, and interact with many systems during daily activities. You drive a highway system to reach a destination. You use a programmable thermostat to regulate your heating and cooling systems to save energy. You use the decimal number system to calculate an amount due.
An information system (IS) is a collection of hardware, software, data, people, and procedures that work together to produce quality information. An information system supports daily, short-term, and long-range activities of users. As time passes, the type of information that users need often changes. A sales manager may want the weekly summary report grouped by district today and by product tomorrow. When information requirements change, the information system must meet the new requirements. In some cases, the members of the system development team modify the current information system. In other cases, they develop an entirely new information system.
System development is a set of activities used to build an information system. Some system development activities may be performed concurrently. Others are performed sequentially. Depending on the type and complexity of the information system, the length of each activity varies from one system to the next. In some cases, some activities are skipped entirely.
System development activities often are grouped into larger categories called phases. This collection of phases sometimes is called the system development life cycle (SDLC). Many SDLCs contain five phases:
1.  Planning
2.  Analysis
3.  Design
 4.  Implementation
5.  Operation, Support, and Security.

2.       What Are Guidelines for System Development?

System development should follow three general guidelines: group activities into phases, involve the users, and define standards.
1.       Group activities or tasks into phases:
Many SDLCs contain the same phases. Others have more or fewer phases. Regardless, all SDLCs have similar activities. Some SDLCs separate these activities in an additional phase called Construction and Testing. Other differences among SDLCs are the terminology they use, the order of their activities, and the level of detail within each phase.
2.       Involve users:
Users include anyone for whom the system is being built. Customers, employees, students, data entry clerks, accountants, sales managers, and owners all are examples of users. You, as a user, might interact with an information system at your bank, library, grocery store, fitness center, work, and school. The system development team members must remember they ultimately deliver the system to the user. If the system is to be successful, the user must be included in system development. Users are more apt to accept a new system if they contribute to its design.
3.       Define standards:
Standards are sets of rules and procedures an organization expects employees to accept and follow. Standards help people working on the same project produce consistent results. For example, one programmer might refer to a product number in a database as a product ID. Others may call it a product identification number, product code, and so on. If standards are defined, then every- one involved uses the same terms, such as product number. Standards often are implemented by using a data dictionary.

3.       Why Are Project Management, Feasibility Assessment, Documentation, and Data and Information Gathering Techniques Important?

Project management is the process of planning, scheduling, and then controlling the activities during system development. The goal of project management is to deliver an acceptable system to the user in an agreed-upon time frame, while maintaining costs. For larger projects, project management activities often are separated between a project manager and a project leader. Some organizations use extreme project management. The project leader identifies the scope of the project, required activities, time estimates, cost estimates, the order of activities, and activities that can take place simultaneously. The project leader records this information in a project plan. Feasibility is a measure of how suitable the development of a system will be to the organization. A systems analyst typically uses four tests to evaluate feasibility of a project: operational feasibility, which measures how well the proposed system will work; schedule feasibility, which measures whether established project deadlines are reasonable; technical feasibility, which measures whether the organization has or can obtain the hardware, software, and people to deliver and then support the system; and economic  feasibility, also called cost/benefit feasibility, which measures whether the lifetime benefits of the proposed system will be greater than its lifetime costs.  Documentation is the collection and summarization of data and information and includes reports, diagrams, programs, or other deliverables. A project notebook contains all documentation for a single project. To gather data and information, systems analysts and other IT professionals review documentation, observe, survey, interview, participate in joint-application design (JAD) sessions, and research.

4.       What Activities Are Performed in the Planning Phase?

The planning phase for a project begins when the decision-making body for the organization, called the steering committee, receives a project request. During the planning phase, four major activities are performed: (1) review and approve the project requests, (2) prioritize the project requests, (3) allocate resources such as money, people, and equipment to approved projects, and (4) form a project development team for each  approved project.

5.       What Is the Purpose of Activities Performed in the Analysis Phase?

The planning phase for a project begins when the steering committee receives a project request. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the steering committee is a decision- making body for an organization. This committee usually consists of five to nine people. It typically includes a mix of vice presidents, managers, non-management users, and IT personnel.
During the planning phase, four major activities are performed:
(1) review and approve the project requests; (2) prioritize the project requests; (3) allocate resources such as money, people, and equipment to approved projects; and (4) form a project development team for each approved project.
The projects that receive the highest priority are those mandated by management or some other governing body. These requests are given immediate attention. The steering committee evaluates the remaining project requests based on their value to the organization. The steering committee approves some projects and rejects others. Of the approved projects, it is likely that only a few will begin system development immediately. Others will have to wait for additional funds or resources to become available.

6.       What Are Tools Used in Process Modeling?

 Process modeling, sometimes called structured analysis and design, is an analysis and design technique that describes processes that transform inputs into outputs. Tools used for process modeling include the following. An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) graphically shows the connections among entities in a system. An entity is an object in the system that has data. A data flow diagram (DFD) graphically shows the flow of data in a system. Key elements of a DFD are a data flow, which shows the input or output of data or information; a process, which transforms an input data flow into an output data flow; a data store, which is a holding place for data and information; and a source, which identifies an entity outside the scope of the system. The project dictionary, sometimes called the repository, contains all the documentation and deliverables of a project. Techniques used to enter items in the project dictionary include structured English, a decision table and/or a decision tree, and a data dictionary.

7.       What Are Tools Used in Object Modeling? 

Object modeling, sometimes called object-oriented (OO) analysis and design, combines the data with processes that act on the data into a single unit, called an object.  Object modeling can use the same tools as those used in process modeling, but the UML (Unified Modeling Language) has been adopted as a standard notation for object modeling and development. Two common tools in the UML are the use case diagram and the class diagram. A use case diagram graphically shows how actors interact with the information system. An actor is a user or other entity, and the use case is the function that the actor can perform. A class diagram graphically shows classes and one or more lower levels, called subclasses, in a system. Lower levels (subclasses) contain attributes of higher levels (classes) in a concept called inheritance.

8.       What Activities Are Performed in the Design Phase?

The design phase consists of two major activities: (1) if necessary, acquire hardware and software and (2) develop all of the details of the new or modified information system. Acquiring necessary hardware and software involves identifying technical specifications, soliciting vendor proposals, testing and evaluating vendor proposals, and making a decision. Detailed design includes developing designs for the databases, inputs, outputs, and programs. During detailed design, many systems analysts use a prototype, which is a working model of the proposed system. Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) products are tools designed to support one or more activities of system development.

9.       Why Is Program Development Part of System Development?

During the design phase, an organization can purchase packaged software, which is mass-produced, copyrighted, prewritten software. If suitable packaged software is not available, however, a company may opt for custom software, which is application software developed at the user’s request to match the user’s requirements exactly. Programmers write custom software from the program specification package created during the analysis phase, following an organized set of activities known as the program development life cycle.

10.   What Activities Are Performed in the Implementation Phase?

The purpose of the implementation phase is to construct, or build, the new or modified sys- tem and then deliver it to the users. Members of the system development team perform four major activities in this phase:
(1)    develop programs,
If the organization purchases packaged software and no modifications to the software are required, the development team may skip this activity. For custom software or packaged software that requires modification, however, programs are developed or modified either by an outside firm or in-house. Programmers write or modify programs from the program specification package created during the analysis phase. Just as system development follows an organized set of activities, so does program development. These program development activities are known as the program development life cycle. The program development life cycle follows these six steps: (1) analyze the requirements, (2) design the solution, (3) validate the design, (4) implement the design, (5) test the solution, and (6) document the solution. Chapter 13 explains the program development life cycle in depth. An important concept to understand is that the program development life cycle is a part of the implementation phase, which is part of the system development life cycle.
(2)    install and test the new system,
If the organization acquires new hardware or software, someone must install and test it. The systems analysts should test individual programs. They also should be sure that all the programs work together in the system. Systems analysts do not want errors in the system after it is delivered to the users. Systems analysts and users develop test data so that they can perform various tests. The test data should include both valid (correct) and invalid (incorrect) data. When valid test data is entered, the program should produce the correct results. Invalid test data should generate an error. Tests performed during this step include unit tests, systems tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests. A unit test verifies that each individual program or object works by itself. A systems test verifies that all programs in an application work together properly. An integration test verifies that an application works with other applications. An acceptance test is performed by end-users and checks the new system to ensure that it works with actual data.
(3)    train users, and
According to a recent study, poor user training is one of the top ten reasons why system development projects fail. Users must be trained properly on a system’s functionality. Training involves showing users exactly how they will use the new hard- ware and software in the system. Other organizations use Web-based training, which is a self-directed, self-paced online instruction technique. Whichever method is used, it should include hands-on sessions with realistic sample data.
(4)    convert to the new system
The final implementation activity is to change from the old system to the new system. This change can take place using one or more of the following conversion strategies: direct, parallel, phased, or pilot. With direct conversion, the user stops using the old system and begins using the new system on a certain date. The advantage of this strategy is that it requires no transition costs and is a quick implementation technique. Some systems analysts call this technique an abrupt cutover. The disadvantage is that it is extremely risky and can disrupt operations seriously if the new system does not work correctly the first time. Parallel conversion consists of running the old system alongside the new system for a specified time. Results from both systems are compared. If the results are the same, the organization either terminates the old system abruptly or phases it out. The advantage of this strategy is that you can fix any problems in the new system before you terminate the old system. The disadvantage is that it is costly to operate two systems at the same time. Larger systems that have multiple sites often use a phased conversion. With a phased conversion, each location converts at a separate time. For example, an accounting system might convert its accounts receivable, accounts payable, general ledger, and payroll sites in separate phases. Each site can use a direct or parallel conversion. With a pilot conversion, only one location in the organization uses the new system — so that it can be tested. After the pilot site approves the new system, other sites convert using one of the other conversion strategies. At the beginning of the conversion, existing data must be made ready for the new system. Converting existing manual and computer files so that the new system can use them is known as data conversion.

11.   What Activities Are Performed in the Operations,  Support, and Security Phase?

The purpose of the operation, support, and security phase is to provide ongoing assistance for an information system and its users after the system is implemented. The operation, sup-port, and security phase consists of three major activities: (1) perform maintenance activities, (2) monitor system performance, and (3) assess system security. Information system maintenance activities include fixing errors in, as well as improving, a system’s operations. To determine initial maintenance needs, the systems analyst should meet with users. The purpose of this meeting, called the post-implementation system review, is to discover whether the information system is per- forming according to the users’ expectations. Sometimes users identify errors in the system. Problems with design (logic) usually are the cause of these errors. For example, the total of a column might be incorrect. These types of errors return the analyst to the planning phase to perform corrective maintenance, which is the process of diagnosing and correcting errors in an information system. Sometimes, users have enhancements or additional requirements that involve modifying or expanding an existing information system. Adaptive maintenance is the process of including new features or capabilities in an information system. To perform adaptive maintenance, the analyst returns to the planning phase. During this phase, the systems analyst monitors performance of the new or modified information system. The purpose of performance monitoring is to determine whether the system is inefficient or unstable at any point. If it is, the systems analyst must investigate solutions to make the information system more efficient and reliable, a process called perfective maintenance — back to the planning phase. Most organizations must deal with complex computer security issues. All elements of an information system — hardware, software, data, people, and procedures — must be secure from threats both inside and outside the enterprise. For example, users should be allowed access only to the data and information for which they are authorized, which typically is limited to the amount necessary to do their job. Data should be secure so that intruders cannot alter, damage, or steal data. Networks need safeguards to prevent them from being compromised. If any vulnerabilities are detected, the analyst returns to the planning phase to investigate techniques to safeguard the information system. Organizations today often have a chief security officer (CSO) who is responsible for physical security of an organization’s property and people and also is in charge of securing computing resources. It is critical that the CSO is included in all system development projects to ensure that all projects adequately address information security. The CSO uses many of the techniques discussed in Chapter 11 to maintain confidentiality or limited access to information, ensure integrity and reliability of systems, ensure uninterrupted availability of systems, ensure compliance with laws, and cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

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